DGST 395

Hypertext Extravaganza

We began our week discussing our collective opinions on a policy for the use of AI in our work for this course. We contributed our thoughts to a discussion board before class, and then explored a couple of different AI policies available online. (Anna Blake and I explored the ADC Awards policy on submitting AI-generated work) We then assembled a document stating our agreed-upon terms.

We also discussed HyperCard stacks, and explored some HyperCards on the Internet Archive. The HyperCard stack I chose to dive into was called “MusiCalc”, which helps convert music time to real time. Rather useful! We shared these in discord, and talked about them a bit in class. We focussed our class discussion on early forms of hypertext, such as the theoretical “Memex” machine, and we watched an episode of “The Computer Chronicles” about the early days of the HyperCard. It was fascinating to see how they were used, and it sounded as if they were the immediate precursor to the CD, which I didn’t know!

During class, I also found the HyperCard stack, on Archive.org for the Whole Earth Catalog, which was the focus of the episode of “The Computer Chronicles” we watched!

We finished off the week by creating our retro subdomain, and really diving into HTML, which I am THRILLED about. Dr. Whalen covered a lot of content, and ensured that we understood each step of the process. We now are to continue exploring HTML on our own, and begin laying the foundation of our retro website project.

Hi, I’m Big Fish

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